Goodness we have had a busy few months! So a quick update. In December we welcomed our first litter from our wonderful girl Zinny and we have enjoyed every moment of watching them grow and their progress. Zinny popped them out in quick succession, casually eating dairylea on toast (her fave) between each puppy and she gave us five wonderful little people, girls dominated and we had four girls and one boy! All healthy and thriving. Meanwhile the biggies have continued to have lots of lovely runs and over Christmas took part in the AMWA Salisbury Trek which was a nice 15 mile jolly on tough terrain. Dogs shouting for more as you can see from the above pic! Juggling new puppies and events is keeping us very busy so our aim is to take part in one quality event (trek/race) a month this season. We are missing Zinny from the teams but she is rather busy right now being a mama bear. Whilst Mr E was puppy sitting I took the opportunity to start the new year by taking Magpie and Lark flups to run at some of our favourite trails at Rendlesham with BSHRA . We always know running with BSHRA that the trails are safe, interesting and foot friendly and give the very best experience for dogs. Life is too short for bad trails! Covid restrictions did a bit of a number on us attending events so the girls haven't had much race environment experience and they can get a little overwhelmed so we are building their confidence and setting them up for success. Girls did really well on draggy, wet, trails with lark single leading on a staggered line at 19 months. A text book pass of a team, and they passed loads of spectators on the trail and tip top on their turns and a mid table placing in first class competition. Super proud of them. They do really excel in a larger team, the other dogs helping their confidence so look forward to continuing their running journey with their pals. A short video of their run below and Magpie showcasing a rather beautiful fast trot. Love these girls! Comments are closed.